My sister and me

Five years ago seems like a long time when it is looked at retrospectively, but in reality it's not that long ago. Since then my sister and i have grown apart and we rarely speak,[…]

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Groupie slut

The Concert was easily the best I'd ever been to. I was so excited about coming to see you play live in my little town and you didn't disappoint me. I told my mom I[…]

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Wicked ties chapter 4

WARNING: Longest chapter I've ever written. Hope you guys enjoy it. He couldn’t wait any longer. As she was walking through the crowded dance floor, he pulled her into a dark corner. She collided against[…]

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Fear of flying

Here is my first offering. I was written for a lady friend who was absolutely phobic about flying. It is not as graphic as some of my other writings and I may rework it later.[…]

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