The dream

She slipped into my room so quietly I thought she was a dream. Her daphenous gown billowing in a subtle breeze like some scene from a movie. She smiled as she crossed the room with[…]

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Chapter two

After a long hard day from work Dave shuffles into the house the smell of garlic bread gives her secret away she made his favourite pasta. Their miniature Yorkshire Terrier Pebbles comes running down the[…]

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Body work

“Hey Greg, would you mind watching the phones while I go to lunch and run a few errands? Jerry’s not coming in today at all said Veronica as she walked out of the office. An[…]

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I'm sorry

/> The attempt to get the usher's attention went unnoticed as he quickly collected the discarded church programs and fans left strewn about in the pews. Dan noted Kris' bright blue afro and the small[…]

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No questions asked.

I'm getting late for school mom, the bus is outside waiting" yelled Cristy as she waited for her mother to bring her lunch. Michelle, her mother rushed to the door and opened it for her[…]

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Helping hands

Sunday morning, the phone rang. It was Alicia, the lady next door “Hey, Mike,” she said. “Do you know anything about DVD /> “A little bit,” I said. “How come?” not working,” she said. “I[…]

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The master's cabin

The Master's Cabin, Pt 1 My slave, you can see out the window from your place on the St Andrew's cross you're lashed tightly to. Your arms reaching upward, spread wide, legs parted wide, wrists[…]

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