The workout

She thought she was gonna die!!! For the past forty five minutes Julie Baxter had gone through a rigorous aerobic workout at the health club she was a member of, and if hell was any[…]

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My gay fantasy

This is part truth, part fantasy, autobiographical. Let me know what you think… I have never really been with a man, although when I was a teenager my cousin and I would play sex games[…]

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The restaurant

She is dressed in a tight fitting black wraparound dress and black sparkly platform heels. Her dark hair pulled up into a high, tight ponytail. The silver earrings dangling from her lobes casting flickering tiny[…]

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Kelsey's dance

The last dance of the school year was almost over. I looked around the gym…dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who[…]

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Lost empire 7

Derrick jerked awake as the proximity alarm began to wail, "Shelby report!" Derrick shouted. "I am reading multiple ships heading in this general direction," she reported. I shouted as I ran to the bridge. "I[…]

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