
Slowly walking up the steps of the old apartment building, Ron eventually made it to his suite, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. Throwing his briefcase upon the sofa, the thirty six year old part-time[…]

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Tears of joy

You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you.[…]

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My life 4

My life 4 Bobby and I arrived home about 10 pm. The house looked dark so I told Bobby that maybe Mom & Uncle Paul were still in Moms bed fucking. “I doubt it, Mom[…]

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Me and my best friend

Me and my best friend, Darren, had known each other forever. We were always open with each other about everything, and when I say everything… Even when we were little, we used to compare the[…]

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