The party

The Party‏ After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I[…]

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Meeting john

I never really thought that i would be the type of person who would go online for sex.I always told myself that it would happen naturally,one day I’d meet a person and we’d connect and[…]

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Late for dinner

“102. One Hundred and Two Fucking Degrees.” Allen checked the temperature gauge on his car one more time, then got reluctantly out. Allen was 19 years old, and home for the summer after his first[…]

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Dream team

Toya was out with a few friends at a burger joint. It was her, with her best friend Cindy and Cindy's boyfriend Jeff, along with Jeff's best friend Conner and his girlfriend who's name Toya[…]

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A conversation begins

This is my first published story. Let me know any feedback you feel like! I've deliberately removed quotation marks at times when I feel that reality and the character's imagination is colliding. I trust you[…]

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Dogs having sex

A guy is looking out in his front yard and notices two dogs having sex. He goes outside and sees his neighbor watching them also. He tells the neighbor that he wishes he could make[…]

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Back stage heat

It was just supposed to be a short nap. I’d been working day and night to get the sets built for our upcoming production of Romeo and Juliet. We’re a small theatre group and can’t[…]

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My daddy and me 2.

God I couldn't even describe how excited I was to finally see my daughter Mindy, there aren't any words in any language from anywhere on this planet that could describe it. The only little set[…]

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