Evening walk

Ann has noticed me with my Doberman on evening walks. We set out around the same time and usually nod or smile at each other when we pass. It is my Doberman that caught her[…]

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Amanda & ben

Ben climbed out of the shower, water dripping off his muscular tanned body. He reached for a towel and began drying himself as he walked into the bedroom. Amanda, his girlfriend, was dressing in front[…]

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Violated passenger

Passengers milled and murmured, watching the glowing yellow light approach. Wheels screeched, the wind blew and the passengers stepped back until the speeding subway came to a halt. The doors open and there was a[…]

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Coming of age

“Amy, can I talk to you for minute in my office?” The young woman who was a college freshman did not know what her supervisor wanted. She had only been on her shift for a[…]

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Me and sam

I never thought i was relly gay, i loved girls, big tits, juicy pussy, yano the usual. But when i was younger i had a best friend his name was sam, i did everything with[…]

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