The voltaire

Dr. Louis van Haugh rode alone in the backseat of his personal limousine. It was nightfall, and he stared out of the window to watch the lights of the big city whiz by. Louis had[…]

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New rules 10

This is the sequel to “New Rules 1 to 9” This episode may stand alone but, for maximum enjoyment, I think that you should read the earlier episodes first. If you want to be reminded[…]

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Sarah 4

Recap: if you haven't read the first part or the second part or the third part read them. sarah was now a senior and she was begining to explore her options. she planned to go[…]

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For amanda

For Amamda, My Transgendered Lover – by Silk Lover Amanda is a very generous lover, she knows exactly how to please her Papi, that's what she calls me. We met on a social network and[…]

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Sensuous love

A kiss, and yet so much more Begins our love down on the floor A touch a caress and warm soft hug And kiss lower, hair gentle hard tug Souls energy raised Glassy eyed daze[…]

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New years eve

It's seven thirty in the morning, January 1st 2007, New years day and here I am sat in my study typing away on the PC when really, I ought to be where my wife is[…]

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