By the seaside

Goldie was sitting on a beach in Florida, attempting to strike up a conversation with the attractive gentleman reading on the blanket beside hers. "Hello, sir," she said, "Do you like movies?" "Yes, I do,"[…]

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Father time 3

Chapter 3 Normally Adam could not conceive of further sexual congress in one sitting. Usually a performance such as he had displayed would require a rest interval. Due to the design considerations within Siren, Adams[…]

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Over the top

The dance floor is a seething mass of flesh, swaying in sync with the bass that shakes the club to its foundations. Topless boys gyrate with the heavy rhythm, reflecting the colorful club lights that[…]

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Dirty lil girl

They were a happy couple, with a healthy sex life. Maybe a bit to healthy of a sex life. Any little thing they saw on porn or heard talk of they wanted to try. Wanted[…]

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The endless alley

ONE As subway after subway sped by Ilana sat waiting, getting more and more impacient by the second. It was well past two, and they had agreed on two. Her fingers ached to dial his[…]

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A change is made

A Change is Made Femdom, bondage, non-consent, teasing, anal, strap-on, chastity © 2012 by lsa3. All rights reserved. This story was prompted by an overheard conversation in a supermarket. One gal was asking her friend[…]

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Tonight tonight

Someone new. Thirty but he looked to be the same age as me and had something shy and schoolboy-esque that attracted me to this sexy stranger with expensive taste. He had plenty of disposable income[…]

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3 am in the morning

The beautiful women in my life are divided into three groups; The first group is my six ex-wives with whom I have better relationships with divorced than married. Our sexual relationships are more seductive, erotic,[…]

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