My card

It's a rainy night, you are out getting some new lingerie, and the entrance to the store crashes open. You jump and turn around, seeing a tall dark man standing in the doorway. Lightning strikes[…]

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Wish fulfillment

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon place for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband: "When you first saw my[…]

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Gone to the dogs (part 4)

Gone To The Dogs (part 4) Sister-Lindsay. Older by 2 years Dad-Roger Mom-Becky, or Rebecca Depends on how my Dad's feeling. Mom to me Potential g/f-Tanya Craig Tanya's bestie-Lisa Pride My buds-Trent, Steve, Jay, and[…]

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Welcome home, alyssa!

The first summer I worked for my family's boarding kennel will always rest fondly in my mind. It was my first job outside of flipping burgers or delivering newspapers. It was also the first job[…]

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Rape suzette

“What do you think Alan’s calling us together for?” asked Pete as the team filed into the conference room. Dave shrugged. “Beats me.” Connie looked at her colleagues. “I’ve heard rumors corporate wants to cut[…]

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The plan

I locked eyes with her across the dance floor. It had to be her- caramel colored skin, red dress, dark hair, check, check, and check. She towered over the rest of the dancers, had to[…]

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A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they were undressing for bed, the husband who was a big burly man tossed his pants to his bride and[…]

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Bb part 2

BB p2 I write for money – All of my clients return if and when they can. I am super friendly when emailed. /> If you finished reading the story, please, vote positive or negative.[…]

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Fallen angel

A fallen angel with wings so dark fell from heaven straight to earth crashed down hard in the dead of night goes unseen in the darkest light Walks this earth with broken wings no shadow,[…]

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Little red-cap

Once upon a time there was a gorgeous eighteen-year-old girl, loved by everyone. By the women and girls because she was so kind and polite to everyone and never lost her temper, by the men[…]

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