Just sex

I was working as a sales manager at a car dealership. On this day, a young blonde-haired girl, probably in her 30's came into the dealership to buy a low-priced car for getting her to[…]

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Fallen angel

A fallen angel with wings so dark fell from heaven straight to earth crashed down hard in the dead of night goes unseen in the darkest light Walks this earth with broken wings no shadow,[…]

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The hurt always seemed to be just below the surface, ready to be torn open with even the most innocent of comments. She remembers as if it were just yesterday, her high school days, the[…]

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Candy and me

Candy loves cum, and I can cum multiple times. I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm[…]

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Simons wish

It was the five year anniversary of a group of friends from college. The group mainly consisted of men. Who had studied together for 3 years. Nick had stayed in touch with some of them[…]

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A free ride

Id never really considered myself to be gay, but i knew id be lying if i tried to tell myself that i wasnt dissapointed not to have gone home with Barry. Id never actually had[…]

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French and wet

The Perfect Hand Tim Jenkins seemed like just your average 11th grader. His grades were mediocre, he played basketball and baseball for his high school, and he was noticed by girls. His problem was that[…]

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