Catfish -chapter 2-

Here's chapter 2… Right on time! I haven't gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it's really different, and[…]

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Washed ashore 5

When I reached the clearing, to my surprise the herd was actually there. They made soft friendly noises as I crept closer. I must have looked quite shocking; naked, tanned by the sun, my hair[…]

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"How many applications do you think we have now," Dr. Horton asked his research assistant, Doris Brewer!?! "About fifty I'd guess," she replied while scanning the list, "and we have a nice cross section of[…]

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A brush with the law

I think I’m a pretty average guy. You know, medium build, medium complexion, medium brown hair, average looks. When I say “average looks,” I mean I’m no Brad Pitt, but then nobody ever got me[…]

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