Annie's rape

[i]I checked the handle on the back door and found it unlocked. Opening it slowly I look in and see her in the living room with her back to me, she is wearing a black[…]

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Heart sanctuary

Corinne shivered as she looked up towards the window of the stable. The sun was slowly starting to rise in the horizon. She smiled, happy to know that soon its warming sunrays would soothe her[…]

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Evil story of massive doom.

Mini character information for main characters: Anya: A cat-girl who enjoys playing around. Onihi: A demonic that likes to cause problems. Asoko: An angelic that thinks that Onihi is too much trouble. Asuko: A wandering[…]

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Family hierarchy

Browsing through the items all neatly layed out, Jessica looked each object over with a thorough precision. Indeed, they seemed quite novel as far as her world’s concerned. Never before had the twenty one year[…]

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