On the freeway

sex stories

We were both glad to be back on land, it had been a fun day on the water. Any time you spend time boating you tend to catch some sun. We had both gotten just enough to make us hot. Not that hot but we were both too hot to wear only the barest coverings. I wore a T shirt and shorts; she wore a cover up shift that was floor length. Unknown to anyone, neither of us had any type of underwear on. It was just too hot and muggy for layers of clothes. We had been at her daughter’s house, talking about the fun day everyone had spent, and of course having icy cold adult beverages. We felt the shadow of the cloud before we heard the rumbling, it was sunset so we wanted to be at least on the road by dark we said our goodbyes and headed home. I was aroused by the heat of my new suntan, the effect of the drink, and most of all the sway of her breasts as she moved. We were in my truck and she sat next to me, I could not resist pulling up her dress and stroking her warm pussy.

It became wet and I slide my finger in while driving on the freeway. No coincidence but it started raining. I gently finger fucked her to climax. She turned a glassy stare to me and started to stroke my hard cock. I was not able to last but a minute. The rain had turned into one of those southern downpours. I was not able to see the road and was totally aroused by her moans and the stroking of my erection. I pulled to the shoulder, put the truck in park and we moved over into front passenger side, our clothes flew off, she mounted my hot hard throbbing cock and we fucked like teenagers right there. On the side of the road in the rain at night as semis roared pass causing the truck to sway. We only knew we had to climax together. She moaned, groaned and told me to give it all to her. I deeply thrust into her hot dripping wet pussy, I felt the cum gather in my nut sag. She shuddering in her second or was it her third climax … I told her I was going to cum, she said she was also Cumming again and want us to climax at the same time. She had squired in her last climax and it added to our excitement. We stroked and pushed into each other as we fell off the cliff together and I filled her wet pussy with my hot load.

We stayed that way for several minutes, hearts pounding, and the smell of sex filling the air. We finally uncoupled with dazed smiles and put on clothes, waited for a clear spot in traffic and then drove home.


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