Hunting trip 2

{again , this isnt just one of those jerkoff stories…if you want that read one of my other stories} first part your max?” Jacob would almost giggle as he spoke. She would nod and shrug[…]

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My new bride

Chapter One The Beginning Here are some facts I should mention before I start. I am 6’3 190 pounds I have short brown hair blue eyes. I am an athletic build I am not ripped[…]

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Eric & angel 1

It was just another morning another day of school i never really felt like school i mean what kid did ? Well there was a reasonw why I didnt feel like going to school .Im[…]

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How i met her

How I Met Her I had been in the Marine Corps for slightly more than 6 years, the better part of four of them spent in the jungles of South Vietnam and now I was[…]

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Debbie gets ganged

Debbie’s boyfriend Jay was nowhere close to being old enough to drink but he was friendly with some of the older guys who frequented the bar on the corner where he hung out. Often they[…]

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Pimp daddy

Note: this is a fantasy – in real life, please treat people with respect Angela Dario was 22 and in college, although she rather be working for her dad’s company. She was ambitious and loved[…]

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Whata week- day 3

Sorry guys, insecurities had me on a leash. =8 And don't worry about the boys, I have something different in mind for them =) Whata Week-Locker Room I was beaten last night and so was[…]

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