Groupie slut

The Concert was easily the best I'd ever been to. I was so excited about coming to see you play live in my little town and you didn't disappoint me. I told my mom I[…]

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Elf girl 2

Seth followed the blue girl for two reasons. One: She had just given him the best blowjob he’d ever gotten. Two: He…sorta didn’t know where he was. Those were two good reasons, right? He thought[…]

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Billy's sexlife 2

“Thank you to all of you guys that have posted about my first story, even the negative ones!Keep sending me suggestions about my writing style and I will try to adjust when possible. I will[…]

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Paybacks are hell

Paybacks are hell – Original lemon by MISTER BIG T This story contains a transsexual, rape, and dominance. If that’s not your look away now. It was only days until the school prom. It would[…]

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A happy ending

Jack stood in his driveway feeling very emotional. Tears were rolling down his eyes for this had been a day he was both anticipating and dreading. He looked over at his little girl standing next[…]

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Lucinda I saw her sheltering under the projecting canopy of the bus shelter just along Chatham was sure it was rain was falling steadily the road glistening alternately orange in the street lights glow and[…]

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Ann’s /> Chapter II I had been in Florida for 11 months when I brought my girls down; they were out of school for the summer and were going to spend it with me. I[…]

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