The salesgirl

Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked[…]

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Hotel party

*************** Hotel PArty /> I got an invite to a party a i met online was throwing. I went to his house parties before but this time it was in a hotel.I put on a[…]

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Surrendering again

Celeste wearing a tight fitting dress that showed her hour glass figure, small waist, flaring hips and firm ass. A hot sexy body of a 44 year old mature woman. She opened the door to[…]

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The experience

She arrived outside the restaurant a bit early. She walked up and down a few times and decided to go inside to wait for him. "Table for two for Johnson" she told the waiter. She[…]

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