Our story ch.2

Tell me exactly what happened.” My husband began. “I want to know /> He seemed too calm. Still crying, still visibly upset, but yet far too calm for a man in his position. I told[…]

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Sex joke

As confused as a infant in a titty bar. As confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market. Q. What do a Rubix cube and a penis have in common? A. The longer you[…]

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John Hex, better know as Unlucky Johny for his hazardous record as a lowlife criminal and worst robber ever_ for being caught 17 times trying to steal something _ was sitting grim faced in his[…]

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Priscila's lesson

It was a warm sunny day outside, simply a perfect time to relax. Or so Priscila Jones had thought. She wasn't young anymore, not certainly, but she wasn't old either – she was in her[…]

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Fucking bonnie

Ted stopped at a diner to eat lunch. The waitress caught his eye as she had a body "made to ride" as they say. When the waitress came over to wait on him she looked[…]

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Caring carer – 5

A thick mist swirled around the voyeur, gently moving with the night breeze. Eerie shadows were cast by the half moon; tombstones standing black and without detail, some broken others leaning at drunken angles. A[…]

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A relaxing massage

It was late Saturday night when I experienced a rush I never had before in my life. This was something I had always thought about before, but never followed through with, fearing for the consequences[…]

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