The punk and me

sex stories

I was steadily staring at him from the corner of my eyes trying to make it not too obvious that I was going crazy with sexual tension. He was about six foot ten, dark eyes, long black hair ,he had snake bites on his thick juicy lips and sleeves going up his arm, it only made me want to see what was behind his black button up shirt. Goths, punks, rockers, long hair, piercings and tattoos drive me absolutely crazy with lust. And the perfect specimen was three seats away and right across from me. I looked down and I could see the outline of a nicely sized cock through his torn up black jeans and imagined myself jumping up and down on him with his huge throbbing cock swelling up inside me, filling me up, while I ride his cock harder and harder, and then I come to, realizing I am just fantasizing again.
I look back up at his face and see that he caught me staring, and he gave me a devilish smirk that nearly made me cum right then and there. I smirked back, I felt pretty sexy, I was wearing my tripp skirt and corset with my black buckle boots and looked like a dark sex goddess, my own ink showing at my thigh, right where my skirt ended so it was a teaser.
I was about thirty more minutes from my house and the train seemed to be going slower than normal. I reached into my bag and grabbed out my book so at least I could stare at this guy and not look as obvious about it. I opened it about halfway through and tore a little piece of it out to jot my number down for him. Every now and again I look over it to stare at the guy who I would love to tie down and fuck over and over. In my peripherals I could swear he was checking me out too, I saw him stare me up and down checking out my curves and possibly trying to see my ink up my skirt.
The train finally slowed to a halt and I stood up to get my things to head home but before I left I saw the guy give me the same devilish smirk from before. I grinned at him and said, “Call me”, as I handed him my number and tried to hike my skirt up as I turned to show my ink and a little bit of my shapely ass before I left.
It was a short walk from the train to my house and I really needed to get home quick to take care of myself. I got to my door, unlocked it, and just opened it and immediately slammed it shut and went straight for my room tearing off my clothes as I walked through my house. I got to my room and I quickly light incense and lay down on my bed and shove my hand up my skirt rubbing my aching clit. I rub my clit harder as I think about the guy on the train and his big, throbbing , piece of meat slamming into my tight hot pussy until he filled my cunt with hot juices.
I grabbed for the remote so I could put some metal on to drown my noises from the small thin walls of my apartment, and as I turned on the stereo I heard a thump coming from another room I listened for a moment, and I put it off as a neighbor dropping something. I lay back down on my bed and ripped off my black lace panties and shoved two fingers into my already sopping wet pussy. I let out a groan of ecstasy and I hear a low growl coming from my bedroom door. I look over to see the guy from the train standing in my doorway, staring at me, rubbing the now very big bulge in his jeans.
“Please don’t stop on the account of me”, he said his voice sexier than I could ever imagine, low and dark and demonic. I sat up in my bed, surprisingly not startled, and signed for him to come to the bed. He obliged and walked over to me, immediately kissing me hard and squeezing my legs. I could feel his snake bites rubbing into my lips and I grabbed the collar of his shirt and tore it off of his body. I looked at his tattooed chest and moaned as I felt his hand wander up my skirt slowly letting his nails rake against my inner thighs. He pushed my head aside and I felt him sink his teeth into my neck causing me to shutter in the ecstasy he was causing in my body. He reached down and tore my corset off in the same manner I had done to him and grabbed for my breast, squeezing them and grabbing my nipples in-between his teeth and biting down on them. I reached down grabbing his belt and pulling it off of him and undoing his pants. I shoved my hand in his boxers and grabbed for the cock my pussy was screaming for.
I grasped his throbbing hard cock in my hand and could feel he was just as horny as I was. I pulled at his pants and he quickly pulled them down as he played with my hard nipples, still biting at them and squeezing my thighs. I sat up and grabbed his shoulders and threw him on his back on the bed. I leaned over his neck and bit him as hard as I could ,and he let out a animalistic growl that drove my pussy crazy. I went down and looked at his huge throbbing cock it was about eight and a half inches and really thick. I licked the head with my tongue ring and then stuck all eight and a half inches down my thought and started to bob my head on all of him. He put his hands on my head as he stared down at me sucking his cock, and started to push me down harder and faster on his cock.
He pulled my head off his cock and flipped me on my knees, and said, “Bend over, NOW!!!!” I liked the way he told me and I listened I had been ready to feel his cock in my pussy. I felt him rub his cock against my clit and up my cunt and shoved his cock deep inside me as we both let out loud groans the neighbors would have had to be deaf not to hear. He started to pound my pussy hard and fast until we were both in a rhythm of movement as he held on tight to my hips to make sure he could slam his cock in my pussy with every move. He grabbed my hips and turned them flipping me over and he put my legs over his shoulders and bent over me and slammed his throbbing member deep inside my pussy. He pounded my pussy harder and faster as we both were gasping, groaning, and growling with pleasure.
I pressed my legs up hard against his shoulder pushing him over on his back as I quickly mounted him and slammed down on his cock. I bounced up and down so hard my legs were going numb but nothing was going to stop me from cumming and feeling his hot juices inside me. I jumped on his cock and he put his hand on my mound and pressed his finger against my clit as I fucked him senseless. That was the last straw I screamed “IM CUMMING”, as I groaned and I felt his cock starting to swell , as my pussy squeezed and convulsed around his member with my orgasm. I started to ride harder and faster, and I heard a growl as he grabbed my hips and pushed me down hard on him. As we both bucked I could feel his cock start to throb harder and I felt his cum fill my pussy with every throb.
I collapsed in ecstasy on top of him as I felt our juices mix together in my pussy and his cock still throbbing inside of me. Content with the days festivities and the amazing fuck with the hot guy on the train, we fell asleep happy, fulfilled, and satisfied to have fucked like we did, thank goodness for trains…

story by: EvilKittENfUNfuCKK

Tags: blowjob hardcore fantasm extreme gothic sex story

Author: EvilKittENfUNfuCKK

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