The tutor

sex stories

So there i was, sitting in class, bored out of my mind. The teacher just kept going on and on about math, my worst subject. This plus this and that times those. It made absolutely no since to me. It probably would have helped if I was paying attention, but i was to busy enjoying the sight of the boy across the room.

His name was Jon. He was one of the hottest boys i will ever see. He played football so he had an athletic body. He stood on a slender 5'10" frame, with short black hair and glowing green eyes. Not only was he hot ,but he was one of the smartest students in the class. How could he be so perfect i wondered to myself?

So I was just sitting there, staring into space, taking quick glances at Jon so no one would notice, waiting for class to end. The teacher still going on about all those numbers when finally the bell rang. I stood up and began to put my books away as students piled out of the room for lunch. Me, Jon and a couple of other people were the last ones out. I went to get some books out of my locker for the next period when i saw Jon standing behind his open locker door. I had been thinking about asking him for some help in math so I decided now was as good a time as any, so i walked up the hall and stood by his locker.

"Hey Jon. What's up?"

"Hey man. Not much. What about you"

"Well ive been kinda struggling in math, and you're so good at it, so i thought maybe you could help me out sometime?" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah. Id be glad to. Why don't you drop by my house this Saturday around 7."

"Sounds Awesome. I'll be there."

So he closed his locker and we went our separate ways.

Over the next couple of days I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to go to his house. So i picked out what i wanted to wear the night before. The next day i woke up about noon. I grabbed a bite to eat and headed for the shower. I began to take my close off, admiring myself in the mirror. Running my hands over my slim body, staring in the mirror seeing short dirty blond hair and blue eyes staring back at me. I got in the shower, the warm water running down my body, over my limp 6 inch penis. I began to slowly stroke myself to full erection. Slight moans escaping me as i pumped harder, visualizing Jon naked in my head. I ran my hand back and forth across my shaft slowly, rolling my balls in my other hand. I could feel myself getting close to cumming. I let out a soft, slow moan as i felt my balls tense, and i released spurts of cum onto the tile shower wall. After letting my breath normalize, i finished washing off and got ready to go.

It was about 6:50 when i arrived at Jon's house after doing errands. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Jon answered the door.

"Hey Matt, come on in. My parents are both working the graveyard shift tonight so we have the house to ourselves."

I walked in and looked around for a place to sit my bag. I sat my bag on the floor when i noticed, his house was huge. And it smelled oddly familiar. It smelled just like him. I took a deep breath, taking in all of his sent mixed in the house.

"You want a soda Matt?"

" Yeah, sure."

So we walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of sodas. You could hear an echo of the tops popping.

"Why don't i show you around." said Jon. So we walked around and he showed me all of the rooms. My favorite being his. I think you know why.

So after the tour we sat down in his bedroom and started working on the math. We went over something that sounded like greek to me, so i asked him if he could show me an example.

"Yeah." he said as he stood up and walked to sit beside me. I loved having him so close to me, feeling the heat of his body.

"Think of it like this. Say your lips are variable x. If we add variable x to y, my lips, what do we get?" As i started to blurt out my answer he leaned in and began to kiss me lightly. He then sat back up.

"See how easy it is to do math." he said with a smirk as he leaned in for another kiss, more passionate this time.

I was surprised. When we broke the kiss i asked him how long he had know i had liked him. He replied with i didn't, I just knew i liked you and i had hope you liked me too since your always staring at me. I began to blush and he giggled slightly as he pushed me back on the bed and crawled on top of me. He kissed me as he moved his hands around my body. I shuttered as he he bit the skin on my neck, making me moan. He lifted up my shirt and kissed down to the top of my pants where he began removing my belt.

I raised my body up as he slid my pants off to my ankles, revealing my strained and waiting erection in my tight blue boxers. He slowly slid my boxers down and took my member in his hand. He moved his hand up and down on my shaft, slowly at first, then with more speed. I laid back panting from pleasure. He removed his hand from my shaft and replaced it with his mouth. I could feel his tongue flipping at my head. The warm pleasure was great as he began to move up and down, swallowing more of my shaft each time he went down.

I knew i was close to cumming when i felt i finger pushing at my entrance. The cold lube pressing against my rectum sent me over the edge and exploded in Jon's mouth. After he was done swallowing every bit of my cum, he sat up and told me to stay on my back. I knew what was coming. Something i had been waiting for a long time. I felt his finger once again slip inside of me. It felt so good.

He moved his finger around spreading me out more as he added a second finger. I let out soft moans as he maneuvered the fingers around, preparing me for his penis. He removed his fingers and began to lube his cock. He then asked me if i was ready to which i replied yes, and he began pushing in. I could feel the resistance so i relaxed as much as i could.

He began to move in and out of me. He leaned over and muffled my moans with a kiss. He took a hold of my once again hard penis. He began to pump me at the same tempo he was fucking me. When he sped up i knew we were both going to cum. I could feel a warmth as he came inside of me, which sent me over the edge again. He feel beside me and we laid there in each others arms,

"Why don't you stay here tonight?" Jon said

"Ok." i said as i thought to myself , this is going to be a fun night.

story by: coolbeans723

Tags: fiction masturbation blowjob anal teen male / teen male boy / boy sex story

Author: coolbeans723

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