Hidden watcher

sex stories

He quietly walked around the house searching for any sign of someone still there. After searching for several minutes he was convinced that everyone was gone. Looking at the note left of the fridge he knew that he had ten hours. Quickly he ran back up the stairs and headed to his room. He hopped on his bed and reached between the headboard and the wall, pulling out a video. He placed it in the VCR and grabbed the remote. The video he found when they were moving from their old house. It was he fathers and since he was in prison he wouldn't be missing it. This was the first time that he was able to watch it. Everyone has been around the house for the last couple days, and now they were off shopping and visiting family around the area. The credits rolled up the screen. The title "He/She Mania 4" Appeared. He didn't know what it stood for, but it was porn, and that was all that he cared about. As he began to watch he saw the man get naked and play with the woman. Finally he saw it, the woman had a cock.

For some reason this didn't bother him. He felt odd but still continued to strip his clothing. He laid back and began stroking himself. The bed bashed against the wall. Thinking that his new neighbors would hear and tell his mother. But he didn't care. Suddenly his bedroom door opened. He couldn't move. His younger brother stood there looking at him, and then to the screen.

"what are you doing?" he asked
"Nothing. . .Just ummm. . ." I replied.

His brother walked over and sat at the edge of the bed looking back at the screen. I looked down to his pants and seen a bulge. "Want to join me?" I asked. He just nodded and unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect penis. He was only a few years younger. But he wasn't that much smaller than me. He started to stroke to the movements of the man on the screen.
"why does that woman have a penis?" he asked
"I don't know" I replied.

I sat there for a moment. Looking down at his cock, I wanted to touch it. Slowing I moved next to him. Looking at him I could feel my cock getting harder and harder. Almost to the point of pain. Slowly I moved my hand over his lap and rested my hand around him. He looked up to me and did the same. We began to stroke each other slowly. Finally the man turned around and placed his head over her cock and gulped it down. Before I could say anything my brother already had my cock in his mouth and started sucking. I leaned him on the bed and brought his close to my face. It bobbed and swayed as he moved. I took the shaft and balls into my mouth and flicked it around. After a few minutes we stopped and turned to watch the movies again. In the time we were not paying attention they already started to fuck.

My brother already on his back and had his knees pressed against his chest. I reached into my drawer and pulled out some lotion, and quickly coated my cock, and rubbed it on his anus. As my head touched his anus he moaned. I slowly pushed through feeling the resistance. Then finally my cock disappeared into his ass. I moved quickly in and out of his ass. Moaning and seeing the pain in his eyes. But he didn't want me to stop. After I was finished I laid back to rest. As I did my brother popped up and lifted my legs. "No" i said "not yet" but my words didn't stop him. Quickly he forced his way into my ass. I winced in pain, and he stared at me. Pre-cum and sperm flowed its way down to my ass. I laid there trying to overcome the pain as he fucked me.

After a few minutes i turned off the video and got up. "We need to shower" I told him. We walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I washed him and he washed me. As he stood in front of me I wrapped my arms around him and fiddled with his limp penis. After the 30 minutes of cumming my penis became erect again. The soap slipped out of his hands and fell to the bottom of the tub. His cheeks spread as he bent over struggling to get hold of the soap. I got a firmer grip around his waist. And thrust my cock into his ass. I tried to pull out but I was stuck. I struggled and struggled but I couldn't pull out. He turned off the water and we dried off with my cock still stuck in his ass. We ran to my room to solve the problem.

Tired and weak we couldn't solve the problem. "Lets wait" i said. But my erection wouldn't go away. I slumped over behind him and fell asleep. We awoke several hours later to the sound of the front door slamming shut. Shit. I looked down and my cock was still lodged. and we were both naked. The door creaked open slowly. My mother stood there shocked, not saying a word for a few moments.

"What were you two doing?!" she said

She looked down between us and saw what we have been doing. She reached down and grabbed hold of my cock and gave a tug. But still didn't move. "Your going to have to fuck it out of him." she said. I looked at her shocked as she walked over and took a seat at my desk. I moved my brother to his knees. He was still asleep. As I thrust myself into him he awoke and started to cry. My mother watched as she placed her hand down her pants. Slowly she move her hand up her shirt. After a few minutes I didn't look over to her again. As I looked up she was naked, fingering herself. Finally I could feel the release. I pulled my cock out and saw the cum drizzle down his butt. My mom walked over and whispered in my ear.

"Come to my room"

story by: Draven227

Tags: masturbation blowjob anal true story incest boy / boy authoritarian sex story

Author: Draven227

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