Retirement center dance

sex stories

We’re sam & sally in our 70s sally has said repetedlyshe is a one man woman so the following blew my mind. We go to these dances because she loves to dance. me? I shuffel to slow #s.but since we have great sex after I’m all for it. this time there was a stranger who danced with her & they were good. I said so to her & she replied that he kept trying to feel her up. you can set him straight I said. they danced some more, I got hard just watching. when they returned to the table she intrudced him as paul, he was looking at houses when he heard of the dance &thought he would check out the people here.

My wife seemed to be enchanted with him I said I needed a smoke so went outside. while there sally came out & kissed me a toe curling one that said fuck me. she sat next to me saying “you remember saying if it pleasured me nothing is bad? yes I replied,”he kissed me, pause, I kissed him I kept silent. lookimg me in the eyes she said I WANT TO FUCK HIM! only if I share your joy & safety I replied. finish your cig & come in, with that she went in. when I went in they were dancing but our bag of table supplies was packed. We’ve run out of booze sally said & I’ve invited paul home. whith that we left. at home sally fixed us drinks while i turned on the stereo. I need to freshen up she said as she picked up her drink and disapeared.upon her returned shouting “LETS DANCE” she had on her pink silk robe,she looked wonderful, paul & sally danced some more giving a new meaning to the term DIRTY DANCING,their bodies & hands were all over each other.they never missed a beat thru all of this. as sally faced me with paul behind her his hands came around her running all over her as if he was playing the piano. they went down to her feet & on the way back up went under her robe, workung up till he was touching her pussy I’m sure.

With that she opened her robe revealing her red “baby doll which holds her tits well,but with NO PANTIES. turning to face paul she unbuttened his shirt & ran her hands allover his chest. tilting her head up they passionetly kissed I allmost missed her unzipping him & pulling him out. she then strutted (to the music) up to me, bending over placong one hand on each shoulder gave me a awsome kiss too, as we kissed, she suddenly broke it off looking me in the eyes she said”HE’S IN ME”she grabbed my cock but her enjoyment of him overtook her so I pulled my pants to my knees. I’m CUMMING SHE ANNOUNCED”ME TO” paul said as they thrashed & quivered above me. as she came dowm she climbed on my cock & really was giving it to me when paul said something to her. she stopped & looked over shoulder,”you won’t regret it” paul said.

With that she got off my cock, turned around & sat on me again. paul pushed her back against me so I grabbed her tits & held on,paul removed my pants the rest of the way, placed sally’s legs over mine, spred our legs & proceded to clamp his mouth firmly on her clit “OH SHIT”she yelled as her body went into a frenzy it didn’t take long for her to go over the top again taking me with her. as we recovered I said I have always wanted to suck your clit while you were stuffed.with that she patted the seat next to us and beconed paul to sit there. she lifted off me and using my sholder for ballance she setteled down on his cock, taking a lot to time getting him all the way in. “now’s your chance she said,I crawled between their legs & there was her cum covered pussy wide open to my eyes.”HE’S IN YOUS ASS’I exclamed I’ve wanted to do this since you started shuving your fingers in, but you’re to big she said.

I quickleysucked her clit into my mouth,she sent large amounts of fluid/cum my way while franticly riding paul to another climax. that was wonderfull she said,MORE TO CUM i said as I released the recliner, laying them back I procrdrd to crawl on & stuck my cock into her pussy,with paul still in her ass. “OOHH GGOODDDswh exclamed and shot off again paul & I fucked her till he & I emptied our loads again in her.

You can sleep here she told paul & this is your shower if you want to clean up. with that we retired to the bedroom. sleep was quick & as usual my 5am pee time awakened me so I quietly went to the bathroom as I left, I thought I’d start the coffee. as I passed the guest room I noticed the candles were still lit, as I looked in there was sally sitting on pauls cock,as I stood there she sat up & came on him.I proced to start the coffee & proceded to bed & sleep was quick. awakened to sally’s touch she handed me a cup, saying paul wanted to say goodby & he understood that this was a “ONE TIME” thing & would never happen again. with that paul shook my hand please make sure to lock the door as you leave sally said with that she cuddled to me & sleep was once again quick


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