Cuckold for kelley

CUCKOLD FOR KELLEY By Cuckold for Kelley I sat on the bed and watched as Kelley got ready to go out. She adjusted the short, tight skirt that barely covered her cute little ass. She[…]

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The queen of spades

THE QUEEN OF SPADES. Hearts entrap you, Diamonds ensnare you, Clubs enfold you.. But… Spades enslave you. WRITTEN BY MISS IRENE CLEARMONT. COPYRIGHT © SEPTEMBER 2011 AN ADULT HORROR STORY WITH SERIOUSLY ADULT CONTENT… Four[…]

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In memory of

The camera swims into focus on her breasts, filling the entire frame. Backing up a little, a hint of a smile can be seen at the top of the screen as she moves her hands[…]

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Formula 21b

When Jim went through his new apartment, he found several boxes left by the previous residents. He shook his head, knowing that they only represented even more work. As if moving all of his belongings[…]

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Susan age 31 met me at the gym and I invited her to my place for a massage. She feels cold leather against her skin. The sensation is causing goosebumps all over her body. She[…]

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