Panite sniff

sex stories

Well where to start this happens a while back. My sister has a super hot friend I’ll call her Wendy. We had gone to visit her one weekend t her new apartment I’ve always had found her very attractive with two kids she has a great body and a nice round ass. We were at her place talking drinking and having a good time she asked my sister to follow her to her bedroom where she was going to show her some nphotos of her recent trip out of town on her laptop. I noticed they were taking a while back there so I decided I would just show my self to the bathroom as I make my way to the bathroom I notice all the way down the hll her bedroom and I could see my sister and her on the bed gossiping on peoples profiles on some website I didn’t bother them right before entering her bedroom to the left WS the door to the bathroom. I make my way in and empty some water. As I make my way to wash my hands I could see a towel behind me hanihg on the door i figured I use that to dry my hands as I’m drying my hands I notice the feel and texture of the soft cotton towel changes to silky lace feel…oh shit! A pair of her panties were hiding behind the towel my mind raced with ideas what to do with the panties. The first thought that came to action was to reach for them and put them up to my nose immediately I was hit with her aroma it was something I had never experienced immediately I become erect I then decided to have a taste I licked the part where the pussy goes and I almost ejaculated in my pants I could not believe it I did not think that was possible to do with out touching yourself..boy was I wrong. The taste of the panties was so tastey I wanted to wool out my throbbing cock so bad to unload a massive amount of warm cum. But I withheld. I placed the pantie back after inhaling deep the scent of her pussy. After that I have been obsessed with her she is so fucking hot and every time I see her or she comes and visits I think back to that day man do I wish I had stole her panties I have a few pics of her I often masterbate to. If I get a chance to sniff her pnties again I’m going all the way. Wish me luck!


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