Truth or dare

sex stories

My name is Jerome and I’m a 23 black male,. Not nice to say but I’m very solid built and have a 9 1/2 cock that a bit on the thick side too. I broke up with my gf and I was getting a bit on the horny side, So I put a ad on craigs list look for some hot woman. I was online when I got a message asking me if I wanted to fuck a hot blonde. Well that was a sure bet I did, So I answer the email and told her I did. Well she sent me back a Instant message to my address. So we started to chat and to find out the girl I was talking to was name sue and her and her friend Patty where vacationing in my city. Now sue was not looking to hook up with me, She was trying to hook me up with her friend Patty.

I was thinking this was a scam ad but the more she talk the more I got suck in. To find out they had been drinking some and Sue had dared Patty to go to a bar and hang out, but the catch was that she could not say no to anyone. She had to say yes,no matter what, Well Patty took the dare and they where planning on heading out to the bar. So Sue wanted me to go to this bar and hit on Patty. I was thinking this was all fake, But Sue had a cam and turn it on so I could see Patty. I could see Patty getting dress to go out and she was a hot looking blonde and she was dress pretty hot to even looking a bit slutty. Per their dare. So I ask Sue why she was setting me up to hit on Patty. So Sue told me that Patty had fuck her boy friend and she wanted to get even with her. So she wanted to make sure some one really hit on Patty and treat her like some slut and hope fully fuck her.

That sound good to me.So I told Sue that I was game for it. But I didn’t really see how that would be pay back for her fucking her boy friend, That’s when Sue told me that they where room mates and she had change Patty birth control pills with sugar pills with out Patty knowing. and that Patty was at her fertile time of the month. So if she set this meeting up that she wanted to try to fuck Patty bare back or to have a rubber with a big whole in it lol She want me to knock up Patty lol That was going to be the pay back. Dam this sound really crazy but I had to check this out. So I agreed and I told Sue what bar to go too. I got clean up and head there myself. I knew what Patty look like and I seen them come in shortly after me. I had got a table off to the back so I could watch with out being seen. They started to drink and chatting away. So I figure I would see if this was going to work, so I walk over to them and ask Patty to dance. It was a slow song and she turn and look at Sue but then turn back and said yes. Now most girls wouldn’t slow dance first with a strange guy but she said yes. So maybe this was true. So I lead her out to the floor and we started to dance. I wanted to see how far I could go with this or was I wasting my time.

So I pulled her in close and dance pretty tight. She let me and we dance really tight the whole dance. Now Patty had to be at less 38d and wearing a mini skirt to kill. so I was getting turn on. the dance ended and she thank me and return to Sue. Looking at her walk back got me really into this.They played a couple fast songs and then they play another slow one. I head over fast and ask Patty to dance again. She look again at Sue and Sue smile and Patty said yes. So I lead her to the floor again. So I pulled her in close again and we started to dance again. But this time I let my hand wonder down south to her ass and held on pulling her to me as we dance. She dance with out saying a word, so I did do some good ass feeling as we dance. Now I getting turn on more . So I wanted to see where this could go. So I keep one hand on her ass and slowly slide the other to her side. I dance a bit like this for a while. Then I let my hand slide up more and to the front. I was catching a feel of her boobs and dam the where firm and big ones. the song ended and she said thanks and left again.

So now I want to see if this is gong to work so I walk over to Sue and Patty and ask them if they would join me at my table and let me buy them a drink. Sue smile and said sure and Patty said yes again. Hmm she is saying yes to everything I ask. So we went back to my table in the back, Sue move so Patty would be sitting by me. We order drinks and started to chat. I decide to check Patty out. so I put my hand on her leg to see what she would do. She took my hand off her leg but didn’t say a word about it. Hmmm this is interesting. Lets see how well she will do at saying yes. So now I turn in my seat and softly ask her if she would do me a favor. She said YES, So softly I ask her to spread her legs some and as I said this I put my hand back on her leg. Looking at me I felt her legs spread a bit. Dam she doing it. so I slide my hand to her inter thigh as we keep chatting. After a minute or two I softly ask her to spread her legs a bit more. to my surprise she did. So now I slide my hand up more and Im up under her skirt now rubbing her leg.She seem a bit nervous but didn’t say a word about it.

No Sue has a big smile on her face because I think she know what going on. So now im braver and softly I ask her to spread them a bit more and as she did I slowly pulled on her thigh to spread her even wider. As I did I slide my hand up her thigh even higher. Then I found my hand on her hot wet panties. I started to rub her pussy as we chatted and she chatted as if nothing was going on. I could feel her panties getting wet as I rub. Then Sue said she had to go to the lady room and ask Patty to come along. So Patty started to get up to go. So after Sue turn to go, I softly ask Patty if she would do me a favor and she said YES she would. So smile at her I ask her if she would take off her panties and bra while she was in the bathroom. She just look at me and turn and walk away. Dam did I blow this? After a bit they came back and when I seen Patty walking to our table I knew she wasn’t wearing her bra. Those D’s where on the move. But then I notice a guy, far from a 10 stop Sue and ask her to dance, Sue said YES and went to dance with him. Now I wondering if their dare was that they both had to say YES.

As I ponder this Patty sat back down, I couldn’t help but really notice her boobs now. But I had to find out if she did her panties too. So after she sat down I put my hand back on her thigh and ask her to spread her legs. She slowly spread them and I help her pull them apart. Slide my hand up I found one hot bare pussy, she took them off. Wow she is doing what ever I ask her to do. I tried to spread her a bit more so the I could play with her pussy but her skirt was so tight I couldn’t spread them enough. So I slide my hand back down and started to push her skirt up her legs so the I could spread her legs more. The skirt ended up so far that her pussy was showing. Pulling her legs apart I started to work my finger into her wet pussy. I told her she need to spread wider and she spread even wider apart. So now I finger her pussy and playing with her clit. she getting wetter as I go.

Then Sue came back. So I ask Patty to dance and pulled her up onto the dance floor. It was pretty crowd on the dance floor. So I pulled her in tight again press her against me. I had one leg between hers so her pussy was riding against my leg. I slide one hand down to her ass and the other grab a hand full of titt as we dance. As we dance I slide my ass hand down and under her skirt, feeling her bare ass. The song ended and we headed back to the table, When I got there I ask Patty where they where staying and she told me at one of our local motel. The bar was about to close so I told her that I would give her and Sue a read back to their motel. So we left and didn’t take long to get there. On the way I was wondering if Sue had to say YES tonight too? When we got there I told them I would walk them to their room to make sure they made it safe. I followed them into the room and shut the door. Smile at Patty I ask her if she would do me one more favor. She said YES. So I told her she was one hot bitch and that I ask her if she would get out of those clothes and on the bed so that I could spend the night fucking the shit out of her. She just look at me and started to undress to he birthday suit. and laid on the bed. Dam she was one fucking hot looking bitch. I started to take off mine.

That’s when Sue said she would go for a walk. So I smile at her and ask her if she would do me a favor, looking at Patty she said YES. Smile back at her I ask her to get out of her clothes and on the other bed. so that I could fuck her while Patty rested. She stare at me as she slowly took off her clothes and laid down on the other bed. So now I finish taken mine off and my 91/2 was rock hard looking at this naked bitch on the bed. As I look at Patty I remember she thought she was on the pill but was doing sugar pills. So I knew I had to fuck her first. She was stare at my cock as I join her on the bed. I smile at her and told her that my rubbers where the self lube kind and slide pretty easy. I threw them on the bed so she would see them. I buried my face into those Ds as I suck and played with them. AS I slide my hand up her thighs she spread them with out be ask, her pussy was soaking now and I work 2 finger in to make it even hot. Now she moaing and fucking my finger as I play. I knew she was getting even hotter now. So I slide down buried my face into her Pussy give it a licking that it needed.

She moaning louder now and fucking my face as I work on her pussy. I felt her getting really close to coming and I mean close. So keeping her legs spread I move up with cock in hand I aim for her pussy, As my head parted her pussy lips , I heard her say I forgot the rubbers. So I ask her if she was on the pill and she said yes. So pushing in deeper I told her she was to close to play with them. I guess she agreed because now I feel her pushing her pussy up to meet my cock. So smile to myself knowing she not really on the pill I push deeper into her fertile hot pussy. Now we both fucking hot and heavy going deep each thrust. She wrap her legs around my back pulling me to her as she started to cum. I started to fuck her harder and faster pushing deeper and deeper. Then I started to cum and I mean cum. I slam as deep into her as I could pumping my black seed into her, It just coming out of me, I dont think I ever cum so hard and so much. In the middle she started her second climax and pulling me deeper. We both collapse trying to breath. But I laid on top of her keep my cock buried in her pussy.

Keep as much of my seed trap in her for as long as I could. After a bit I rolled of and juice flowed all over. Patty smile and said it s good thing I’m on the pill. Smile back and said yes your are. I started to finger her soaking pussy and told her they better be good pills because I planned on fuck this pussy some more. spreading her legs she said it was all mine. I notice my cock coming back to life thinking about my seed buried deep in this pussy. That’s when I figure I should give her some more. Pull her over I laught and said I want to fuck you doggie stily . She roll over and got on her hand and knee’s. So I move in behind her. guide my cock back to her hot pussy. Slam it home I started to pound deep into her again, She fuck right back at me. She don’t have any trouble cumming again as I pound her pussy deeper and deeper. I shove her forward hard enough that she falls face into the bed..

I’m still fucking her pussy as she on her knee still. Holding on her thighs to keep her on her knees my cock blows again pumping my black see deep into her pussy again. Keep her ass up and face in the bed, made it easer to fill and keep my seed in her pussy as I filled her up again.. I look over at Sue and she had a big smile on her face as he finger herself as she watch us, Smile at her I said give me a couple of minute and ill have a cock for that pussy. she smile and said she be ready for it when I was read. I end up fucking Patty pussy 3 time that night and Sue twice. When we did get up and shower and got ready to leave, Sue said I should give Patty a good by fuck. With that said Patty just smile and push me down on the bed and climb on top to ride my cock one more time. Eight months late I got a email from Sue, it had a picture in it. It was of Patty with one big huge tummy. a month after another email came, Pic of Patty and a baby boy and girl, twins, and their daddy was black.


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