Wake me up

sex stories

Her fantasy has always been to be waken up by a complete stranger and have him make love to her. I have known this for quite a while and I thought I could make this happen for her. It took quite a search to find someone that I knew she would like. We are in our early 60’s and in good shape. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs about 150lbs, with very long shapely legs and a beautiful ass. Her breasts while on the small side are still very perky and the pink nipples get very hard when she is aroused.

We went out to a club in town one evening and after a couple of drinks a nice looking gentleman approached us and ask her to dance. she looked at me for my approval. I just smiled and away she went. After a couple of dances and a little conversation My wife excused herself to go to the lady’s room. I asked him if he liked my wife and told him what I wanted him to do. He agreed and I gave him directions to the house and told him not to say anything to my wife. On our way home I asked if she enjoyed dancing with the man to which she replied “Yes I felt comfortable in his arms.” After a night of making love to my wife we slept comfortably in each others arms. Early the next morning I heard a tapping at the front door and I slipped out of bed and let him in. I told him to get undressed and follow me up to the bedroom. He was completely naked as he walked into the room.

He reached down and lifted the sheets and there was my wife sleeping naked from the waist down. I took a seat in the chair and began to watch as he slid into the bed next to my wife. She thinking it was me snuggled up to him behind her. He wrapped his arm around her and began rubbing her small tits with the palm of his hand. She moaned and pushed back against his now hardening cock. As he was undressing I noticed that he was a little longer than I was but I was thicker than him and as she reached back and began stroking him she moaned again. He began pushing against her ass as she stroked him and when he moaned she froze because she knew that it wasn’t me behind her. She started to pull away from him but he held her tight and said “I’m here to fulfill your fantasy.” She looked back and remembered him from the night before and then looked past him to see me sitting in the chair with my cock in my hand stroking myself. I smiled at her and she knew that I was ok with the situation and lay back down and moved back against him again.

She reached between them again and pulled his cock between her legs and started rubbing the head of his cock against her hard swollen clit. I could see how wet she was and tell by the way her body was moving against his cock that she was about ready to cum for the first time. Her body became very ridged as she began to cum and she let out a long loud moan and began to shudder all over her body. He let her relax and when she was through he began to rub her nipples again and then he slid his hand down her belly to her wet pussy. He began to rub her swollen clit and slid his cock into he slowly all the way in. He rolled her over onto her stomach and raised up onto his knees then lifted her up onto her knees also. Sliding deep into her again he began to slide in and out as she rocked back against him. My wife reached down between her legs and cupped his balls and he slid into her. She squeezed them and as she pulled him deeper in to her warm wet pussy he moaned as he began to cum. She was riding him and I knew that she was going to cum again.

They both were pushing back and forth against each other moaning and cumming together. After they relaxed she looked over at me and could see that I was ready for her attention so she got up from the bed and knelt between my knees and took my hard cock into her mouth. As she slid her mouth up and down my hard cock I could see that he was ready for round 2 as he slid in to my wife’s pussy again and began to fuck her as hard as he could. Slamming into her was a blessing to me as it forced her to take more of my cock into her mouth and I could feel her swallow as her gag reflex took over as I pushed against her throat. I told her I was about to cum and she began to push my hard cock down her throat as he slammed his hard cock deep into her. She began to orgasm as I did , cumming down her throat and he began to orgasm for the 2nd time deep into her pussy. We separated and the three of us headed into the bathroom and into the shower to clean up. We spent the whole day playing with my wife in many different positions and she kept saying “what a way to wake up.”


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