New years prep

sex stories

New Years Preparation: My wife and I were invited to a lifestyle New Years party and as the date got closer we were discussing what we planned on wearing . Of course I had plenty to wear but my wife didn’t like any of her outfits . So shopping was on the agenda, now I really hate going shopping, standing around in clothing shops is one of my least favorite things to do. But I knew it was going to happen. We went to several stores looking for the Right outfit and I finally suggested we go to a small shop that features sluttier clothing and toys We arrived at the shop and found acouple dresses for her to try. The cute sales girl was very helpful and soon I was standing there with her coat and purse while the sales girl took my wife to the dressing room. As I’m standing there a very stunning professional woman walks through the shop door. I knew at once this woman took great pride in her appearance.

She looked at me and smiled as she went by. I made a silly comment about whether my purse matched my outfit and she said “ at least you agreed to shop with your wife” At this point the sales girl comes out to help the woman and I’m saved from making more of a fool of myself. My wife calls me and wants my opinion the sales girl says to me that I can go back there since she was the only customer in the back. As I walk in she is standing there in a very nice dress. Now I must tell you my wife has a great body as well as a playful disposition and hates to wear a bra and rarely wears panties. So as I walk in all I can say is WOW. Then she bends over and the dress rides up and what a sight. Suddenly I hear a giggle behind me and the sales girl comes in and breaks the silence with how does that fit. Now I’m blushing knowing that my wife just flashed both of us. She says just a minute I think I have a dress you will really like as she goes back out in the main store. She comes back in followed by the other woman.

I turned to the sales girl and said I guess I will wait in the store. The woman turns to me and says no need I may need your opinion since my husband wouldn’t go shopping with me. Now my wife is trying on the new dress and I’m talking to the sales girl about our New Years plans as the other woman comes out in a stunning dress and I realize she has a smoking body. As she turns around I can barely speak without stumbling over my words. My wife comes out and she’s wearing a dress that cuts very low in the front that accents her cleavage and open back that goes all the way to the top of her ass, the bottom barely above her crotch. I think I actually had to close my mouth with my hand. My wife and the woman start complementing each other.

The sales girl says to me I hope you have something good to wear and my wife says don’t you sell sexy men’s underwear. She gets a big smile on her face and says Ill be right back She comes back in with three pairs of men’s underwear one thong, a pair that looked like a speedo , and a set of boxer briefs with a sack in the front. Now she knows I don’t do thongs and the speedo type looked too tight. The woman turns to my wife and says don’t you think he should try them on. All three woman start to giggle. So into the next stall I go and put on the boxer briefs. The front pouch is nothing more than nylon netting. I say to my wife are you sure you want me to come out and they all say yes at the same time.

I come out to hoots and hollers and my wife says watch this as she pulls up her dress and bends over again. Instant chubby on my part and now I’m straining the meshing and she comes over and strokes me through the mesh. The sales girl is blushing but definitely enjoying the show. The woman turns to my wife and says that looked like fun may I try. She’s says I wont mind. She turns around and hike up her dress and bends over showing me her ass and pussy now I’m really hard as can be, and I’m not sure how much more the mesh is going to hold. She reaches down and gives me a nice squeeze and tells me I have a nice package. I thank her and my wife calls me over and says looks like these might be too tight for you right now and puts her thumbs in the waistband and rips them to the floor. I look over at the sales girl and she’s rubbing her own crotch through her jeans. So now I’m standing stark ass naked and my wife turns around and says hunny please help me out of this dress. As I pull the dress off her my cock is pressed between her ass cheeks. She turns and thanks me and says be a gentleman and help our new friend out of her dress too. She looks at me and says please do ,but my dress is really tight and your going to have to be very careful to remove it slowly and carefully.

She puts her arm up to the wall and sticks out her ass. My cock slides right between her cheeks and I feel instant wetness ,my cock twitches and she literally impales herself on my cock. She pushes me back into a chair and starts riding me reverse cowgirl. My wife comes over and starts playing with her tits and pulls the dress completely off. The woman now has her fingers in my wife pussy as she pounds up and down on my cock. I look over and the sales girl has her pants at her ankles and has a least three fingers deep in her pussy. The woman cums really hard and squirts wave after wave of cum in my crotch and I blast stream after steam of cum in her hot pussy. My wife gets her phone number and we plan to meet with her for more fun later. This is all before the New Years party we will have to tell you how that goes in our next post .


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